Rahel (Estelle) Dreyfus

< Emanuel Mendel
birt: 1820
plac: Rothbach, Bas-Rhin, France

Cain (Isac Abraham)Mentel
birt: 12 MAY 1828
plac: Rothbach, Bas-Rhin, France

< Baruch Mendel
birt: 25 APR 1831
plac: Rothbach, Bas-Rhin, France
deat: >1866
marr: 10 MAY 1860
plac: Schirrhoffen, Bas-Rhin, France

Sophie Mendel
birt: 8 JUL 1834
plac: Rothbach, Bas-Rhin, France

 Isac Dreyfus 
 Rahel (Estelle) Dreyfus 
birt: 1795
plac: Rothbach, Bas-Rhin, France
deat: 31 AUG 1858
plac: Rothbach, Bas-Rhin, France

Abraham (Frommel) Mendel
birt: 7 MAR 1793
plac: Wingersheim, Bas-Rhin, France
deat: 29 MAY 1844
plac: Rothbach, Bas-Rhin, France

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Marriage record shows mother to be Adele Dreyfus, yet birth record shows mother to be Rahel Isac. Living at 37 Burggass, Rothbach, in 1851. Very possibly, the sister of the DREYFUS that married Caroline Herzog and had 3 children, Manuel, Caroline, and Simon, and the sister of Hermann Dreyfus -- all from the 1851 Census, living at 33 Burggass, 4 doors down.