Yehochoua (Simon) Ettinger

< Beyle Ettinger
birt: Zelwiller, Bas-Rhin, France
marr: 27 JAN 1763
plac: Osthouse, Bas-Rhin, France

< Schoenle Ettinger
marr: 3 JAN 1766
plac: Osthouse, Bas-Rhin, France

< Caroline (Krunel) Ettinger
birt: 1750
plac: Osthouse, Alsace
deat: 1824
plac: Krautergershim, Bas-Rhin, France
marr: 18 JAN 1770
plac: Osthouse, Alsace

 Salomon Ettinger 
 Yehochoua (Simon) Ettinger 
birt: 1714 (1718)
plac: Edingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
deat: 1804
plac: Osthouse, Bas-Rhin, France

Jendel Isaac

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From "Memoire juive en Alsace" p.181: Contrat de mariage fait à Osthouse (notariat d'Obernai) on 18.01.1770 : "Jacob BAER fils de Dov, fils de Mosché ETTINGER fille de Yehochoua(Simon) fils de Salomon de Osthouse" In the 1784 census at Osthaussen the first family is Simon Ettinger and his wife Jendel Isaac. Also includes "servant, Baschel".